I love gadgets. Gadgets and technology. I spend a lot of my time thinking about them, lusting after new ones, trying to eak more out of older ones and researching my next purchase.

I'm lucky in that my job allows me to indulge this interest. With more than 15 years of industry experience,  I currently work as a 'Senior Systems Analyst' for a leading University in the UK and look after a lot of the point of use services that our users require. We have the usual estate of desktops and laptops to look after, which is the bread an butter of the role, but in recent times we've also added iPhones, ultrabooks and other more interesting gadgets like the iPad to support the list of services users demand, and therefore it is imperative that we get test units in to play with!

Along with the work based interests, a good chunk of my own life is spent on making my living room look like an electronics showroom, or fielding the list of requests about how to fix something, make it do something, or purchase something that family and friends bombard me with every day.

I've decided to write this blog simply because I do spend a lot of time researching and playing with all this stuff and I want to share my enthusiasm! I shall be writing about and reviewing new gadgets and technology as I get my hands on it, writing 'How Tos' for gadgets as I get to know them and also writing guides for people who need to buy a new piece of technology, but don't get excited about all the underlying tech. It should just work!

Hope you enjoy.


Twitter: @dependongadgets

Email: dependentongadgets@gmail.com

Pinterest: http://uk.pinterest.com/dependongadgets/